The Autumn Natural Weight Release Journey is the journey of restoration and re-establishment. Nature turns from vibrant greens to beautiful burnt-orange and rustic colors; the transition from hot weather to cooler weather.
The Autumn Journey is a 9-week journey of restoring and re-establishing your intestinal ecosystem. Having a healthy gut is essential in the releasing of weight, absorbing nutrients from foods, and nutritional supplements. Proper digestion depends on a healthy gut. Most people today have some type of gastrointestinal imbalance. Today's food choices and the convenience of them has led the way to more and more consumption of low fiber, highly processed foods that contain high fructose corn syrup. These foods upset the intestinal ecosystem, thereby causing constipation, sugar cravings, candida (an over-growth of bad bacteria), food allergies, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, type 2 diabetes due to chronic gut inflammation, depression, and asthma just to name a few that are related to gastrointestinal disorders and imbalances.
The journey will guide you through self-care that will result in natural weight release.
For more information about the next Autumn Journey, inquire with Gloria to informational meeting.
Make An Appointment
Contact me by phone or text.
7901 Oakport Street, South Building, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94621