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The Spring Natural Weight Release Journey is the journey of renewal and regrowth. When spring arrives it brings with her an increase in daylight hours, warmer weather, spring showers, enthusiasm and a desire to remove winter's clutter; internal and external.


The Spring Journey is 6-weeks of renewing healthy food choices and habits that support weight release. By the renewing of your mind and attitude daily to the importance of taking responsibility for your unhealthy habits and being accountable for food choices that do not support weight release. The Spring Journey is about growth and change for the betterment of the whole person.  


In a lifestyle-change program such as this, the temptation to circumvent some of the necessary steps may occur with certain individuals.  You need to be aware that when you choose to circumvent any part of the transformation process you lose credibility, not only to your physical body, but to your spirit as well. 


The Spring Journey includes a 10 day renewal, regrowth, systematic fast. The fast is followed by a transition period that corresponds with the fasting type. For more information about the Spring Journey, inquire with Gloria to informational meeting.

Make An Appointment

Contact me by phone or text.


7901 Oakport Street, South Building, Suite 1400
Oakland, CA 94621


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