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“The Journey was a full spectrum experience involving exercise from cardio to weight training, nutrition education, cooking classes and spiritual support. You cannot go through the Journey and come out the same person. The Journey was great and I accomplished what I could not do on my own.”  - Dr. Sandra W.

“Working with Gloria, I was able to refocus my personal practice of healthy eating and regular exercise, lose some unwanted weight, and inspire others to do the same. I have recommended Gloria Kamil to my colleagues, friends, and patients.  She is experienced, disciplined, practical, and will help you transform and move to a healthier state of being.” - Dr. Avis L.

“When I came to Ms. Kamil I was weak, off balance, depressed, constipated, overweight and very medicated. I did so well on this Journey, I had released weight, some of my medication, and all of my depression. Today I am alive and well, 32 pounds lighter with no more high blood pressure, eating 85% heart healthy,and feeling great.”
- Phyllis W.

"My results have been fantastic. There is less of me, 80 lbs. less, and I am strong and feel great.  Gloria's ability to be firm and gentle and funny all at once helped me tremendously. Gloria walks her talk with confidence and continues to inspire me." - Ayofemi O.

"Her Spring Weight Release Journey educated me in several areas.  It's about making a lifestyle change.  This program gave me back my inner strength and confidence." - Marina P.

"Thank you, Gloria, for all the work, time, and dedication that you've put in helping me lose 50 lbs!  A combination of the Boot Camp and the Seasonal Weight Release Journey has given me a tremendous understanding of what I must continue to do to stay fit and healthy.  I feel like a new woman." - Gayle W.

"Gloria helped me reshape my body because I carry most of my weight on the upper part.  Without Gloria I would not be as strong or feel half as good. I can't imagine what I would look like without Gloria's training and the support of the wonderful women she has gathered on the Journeys.” - Glen C.

"It's been one year since I stopped working out “with her and by following her instructions, I recently lost an additional 5 lbs. I've kept off the weight and changed my eating habits.  I found her program easy to stick to, I'm stronger, healthier and much more fit." - Sylvia J.

“I allowed life circumstances to deter me and over the years I stopped exercising and I wasn’t eating healthy.  She has inspired me to live the healthiest life that I can live in my 50s. Thank you Gloria, for your no nonsense attitude and consistency in aiding women in their health journeys.”- Kathleen G.

“So at age 62, after two hip replacement surgeries, I find that I can do her boot camp exercises, which includes going up and down a flight of 65 stairs 5 times. I took Gloria’s Spring Journey, lost 15 pounds, and felt so cleansed!  I recently had blood work and others tests and the result was No medication needed for diabetes, cholesterol, or blood pressure!” - Sherry A.

“After spending 20 plus year at a local chain gym doing my work-out 3 times a week and being informed by my care provider that I was obese, and with the chronic medical conditions that tormented me each day: asthma, high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Gloria Kamil fitness regime has been a blessing to me. I no long suffer daily with thoughts of needing medication to function daily for my chronic illnesses.”- Lillian J.

“Gloria customized each workout based on our individual needs and goals.  We had never before worked with a Personal Trainer who was an expert Nutritionist, Spiritual Advisor, Life Coach, and Comedian. In the first two weeks of training we lost at least 10 pounds and several inches throughout our bodies.  Gloria provided me and my family with information to help us make better life choices.” - Rachelle B & Family

“I love it when I am able to embark upon one of Gloria Kamil’s seasonal Journeys.  I unequivocally recommend that you take one of Gloria Kamil’s Journeys! If you follow the program you will get results!”- Sanya M.

“In 9 months I lost 60 pounds, I’ve never felt so good in my life. I learned about different foods to eat and even about foods that heal the body. Doing the Journey, you will learn everything you need to know to change your life.” - LaTanya S.

“My friends and family have noticed and commented on my weight loss overall more healthy appearance. It hasn’t been easy, but you’ve helped me begin to understand how exercise and eating “well” work together. You told me this would be the beginning of a lifestyle change…and it’s a change I like!” - Deidre S.

"I initially sought Gloria's help in improving my health because I was dealing with some health issues at the time. In the process of working with Gloria, I also lost a lot of inches. She has a great way of inspiring me to stick to eating healthy and working out." - Rosemarie H.

"I used to think I knew quite a bit about fitness and nutrition until I participated in Gloria Kamil's Spring Natural Weight Release Journey.  As each week passed, my respect for her knowledge of health, fitness, and nutrition grew and grew. I highly recommend this program for anyone who wants to cleanse and lose weight, and who wants a real education on nutrition and fitness that they can apply to everyday living for the rest of their life!” - Brenda T.

"I began training with Gloria six months before I got married in 2001. I looked great at my wedding! It really helped keep my energy up." - Debbie S.

"The day I experienced a heart attack I remember saying out loud "Lord Jesus, please allow me to become healthy." If you are serious about your health, Gloria is the person.

She has provided a safe place for women to reach their full potential in a healthy vessel." - Sharron M.

"I was 134 pounds when I began training with Gloria. My normal weight is 120. When I had my daughter I was 40 years old and I gained 14 pounds that I couldn't get rid of. Gloria helped me lose the extra weight and keep it off by helping me change and maintain my eating habits."
- Diane G.

"I was involved in a car accident and was having back pain when I started training with Gloria. Gloria helped me tremendously! Not just with my back but my entire body. She is very focused and dedicated to women's health. "
- Eliane C.

"I started Gloria's Spring Natural Weight Release Journey in 2009, and I am happy to report that I lost a total of 48 inches.  I also lost 28.5 pounds, and thus far have managed to keep it off. Once I started the program, my husband had to "adjust to my new way of eating" which resulted in him losing weight and returning his blood pressure within normal range." - Alyce E.

 "The best decision I made was to say 'yes'. I started the Spring Journey, not really knowing what to expect and with a bit of skepticism. I was finally mentally ready to make the changes I needed in order to improve my life. I couldn't and wouldn't have done it without Gloria's encouragement, and I can't thank her enough for believing that I was ready." - Lorraine N. 

“Gloria Kamil not only helped me achieve an ideal body weight, she also changed my life.  Far more than losing weight, I learned so much from her about how to live a healthy life. Anyone who has the opportunity to work with Gloria is in for a life changing experience…all for the good.” - Sherie H.

"When I decided to join the Girlfriend's Boot Camp, I didn't give a lot of thought as to what it might entail.  The biggest benefit to me, however, is meeting the other ladies in the camp and understanding that we are all working towards similar goals; improving our bodies, minds and spirits. I am impressed the care Gloria gives towards developing the program, her holistic approach to health and fitness." - Mittie G.

"I can honestly say I feel ALIVE again! Almost immediately after the first phase of the Journey, began to have increased energy, weight loss and my skin cleared up. I can successfully say that, as of August 2009, I've lost over 39 pounds, gone down 10 dress sizes, exercising 6 days a week and weight training 4 days.  I love myself, and love the way I feel, and I realize that this is the only body I have and I want to live a long healthy life!!!”
- Michelle M.

"Gloria was very supportive to me during my health crisis. She encouraged complete healthy living and gave me a lot of information about how to accomplish it. Her commitment to helping people and her dedication to working out is so inspiring. I'm pursuing a career in nutrition now because of Gloria." - Johanna F.

"What Gloria has shown me is how to eat healthier and how my body is affected when I don't. When I first went to her I wasn't ready to fully commit to getting in complete shape. I just wanted to lose weight. I have to say, she has really helped me change the way I eat."
- Diane B.

"Gloria is no-nonsense and tough, but she really cares about her clients. I really like the fact that she's concerned about your total well-being. I want to have a baby next year, so right now Gloria is helping me get my body prepared for pregnancy. She's wonderful!"
- Ilona M.

"I had been trying for years to lose weight and keep it off, however, the weight just would not budge. Once the program was introduced each week, the weight just started to release.  Gloria gave me the tools to release the weight in a healthy way that is invaluable, and will help throughout my lifetime." - Mary N.

“I flew to Oakland from Phoenix, AZ because I believed it would help me. Before starting the program, I had uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Since completing the program, I released 17 pounds, 14 inches and my blood sugar is within normal range; and this is without taking medication. I now make very disciplined and conscious decisions about what food I put into my body.” - Brenda W.

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